Hudson surprised us by arriving exactly 1 month early. I had not felt any movement all day Sat May 21, and so was told I needed to come into triage. I arrived around 7pm.. They hooked me all up and found Hudson's heartbeat no problem. Then his heartrate dipped very low, and they went into emergency mode throwing an oxygen mask on me and calling the doctor. His heartrate went back to normal. Dr. Hasen did a quick ultrasound and found that my amniotic fluid was very, very low, and told me I couldn't leave. He said Hudson needed to come out as soon as possible. So I called Brandon and he called his mom and arranged for her to come over to care for Aiden and then he packed up and got to the hospital. Dr. Hasen was wonderful and so comforting and the whole delivery was amazingly easy. They got me right in a room, put a foley catheter in to get things going, started pitocin, broke my water. This was all by maybe midnight. I was dialating, but not extremely fast and started...
A place to record family memories and things we're doing, so we can look back and see what God has done in our family.