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Showing posts from February, 2012


Two weekends ago, my Mom and Grandma came up to visit and help while Brandon had the annual Sr. High Snow Camp up at Word of Life Owen Sound with his youth.  It was so great to have them up!  My dad would have liked to come up I'm sure, but now that my grandpa (dad's dad) lives with them half of the year my dad needs to stay home to care for him.  Aiden especially had so much fun ..... he played "hide and seek" with grandma and great-grandma, showed off his trains and with just generally soaked up all the attention.  Grandma (the boys' great-grandma - mom's mom) got to meet Hudson for the first time.  It was special too because Hudson's middle name (Loyal) is after my grandpa Loyal.  Thanks so much Mom for saving the day again.... we love having you up! On Tuesday, February 13th, Hudson's first tooth finally broke through!  I knew it was coming as he has literally had anything and everything he can get his little hands on in his m...