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Aiden's 1st Birthday Party - Sat, May 29th.

Aiden's birthday party was so much fun, and I wanted to share some pictures from his party (over two weeks ago now, but better late than never, right?!)  It was a great time with family and friends and we have much to be thankful for.  We had a backyard BBQ, cake inside, and then headed back outside for Aiden to open gifts. 

The Birthday Boy and his cake table!!

I did a "Very Hungry Caterpillar" theme because he loves books, and this is a book that's been very special to me.  The favours were gummy worms in bags that said: "Thanks for 'inching' your way to my party, Love, Aiden".  I got the idea for the caterpillar cupcake cake online, along with several other ideas, and loved how it turned out.  I covered cardboard with white butcher paper and painted "Happy 1st Birthday Aiden" on it for the cake board.  I used Red and Leaf Green Icing Color (rather than regular food coloring) to get the rich color, and piped the icing on with a icing tip.  The caterpillar eyes and nose were jelly beans and I cut black pipe-cleaner for the legs and glued it down to the board.  The antenna was purple construction paper I cut out and glued to the board. 

The banner I painted.

More inside decor.

I forgot to take pictures of the bbq food after we'd set it up and when people arrived, but here's the way the tables looked set up before hand.  We had hamburgers, hotdogs, "caterpillar" fruit skewers (strawberry heads, and green grape bodies - I loved this idea!), chips, pop, applesauce for the babies, and watermelon like in the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Aiden enjoying the arrival of some little friends he sees every week in our church nursery. (I love this one... they look like they're having some fascinating coversation!!)

All the babies crawling... his cousin Josiah is top left. 

Daddy with the birthday boy, and the sand/water table he now loves.

Grandma D, Grandma T, Ken and Ann Marie

Josh and mom, Sherri

Logan, and mom, Michelle

Bronte, and mom, Kelly

Geno and Regan

Brandon, Drew and my dad throwing balls with the kids

Group shot - the babies and kids almost liked the balls more than the inflated bouncy castle.

After eating dinner outside, we headed back in to sing "Happy Birthday" and for the cake!

Aiden's smash cake... I just made a larger version of a cupcake. 

He was fairly cautious at first....

Then a little more eager....

By the end...
Yes, he was wide awake much later than normal that night!!  He loved his cake!

Cousin Miriam waiting patiently for her cake while Aiden had his first.

Back outside to open gifts...

He received lots of great books (which he loves right now), clothes and some toys from the Grandparents.  He's a very blessed little boy!

It was such a fun day, and I can't believe my boy is now 1 year and two weeks old as of today!  This time last year he had made a turn for the better in the NICU. 


Anonymous said…
Hey Emily! I tried e-mailing you a while back. Hope all is going well with you. Send me an e-mail if you get a chance


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