It's been waaay too long since I've written on here... where does time go?!? I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked out my classroom window last week to see little snow flurries floating through the air!!..... none of them stuck, but it still reminded me that winter is just around the corner.
One of the reasons I haven't written much on here is that this past month has been FULL to the brim ... there's been alot going on both in my personal life (and the lives of family and friends) and at school. There is much to be thankful for amidst the activities and busyness ..... God is gracious and loving in His provision, I know that full well!
yes... God is good, and I want to share some of the ways he's been good in my life personally.
10 Things I'm Thankful for from October:
1) My mom went in for knee replacement surgery on Mon, Oct. 9. The surgery went well, and though I'm sure she was in alot of pain and feeling quite out of it for awhile, her thankful, quiet spirit was really a testimony of God's grace to me. I was able to take a day off work and spend the day after her surgery with her and dad in the hospital... Nate and Andrea came up that evening too, so it turned out to be a nice family time. She said that her recovery has been a "forced rest".... my dad has done a great job of taking care of her as she continues to recover fully.
2) Beautiful Fall colors.... I can never get enough, and I'm always in awe every year! (I took the photo above in TN!)
One of the reasons I haven't written much on here is that this past month has been FULL to the brim ... there's been alot going on both in my personal life (and the lives of family and friends) and at school. There is much to be thankful for amidst the activities and busyness ..... God is gracious and loving in His provision, I know that full well!
yes... God is good, and I want to share some of the ways he's been good in my life personally.
10 Things I'm Thankful for from October:
1) My mom went in for knee replacement surgery on Mon, Oct. 9. The surgery went well, and though I'm sure she was in alot of pain and feeling quite out of it for awhile, her thankful, quiet spirit was really a testimony of God's grace to me. I was able to take a day off work and spend the day after her surgery with her and dad in the hospital... Nate and Andrea came up that evening too, so it turned out to be a nice family time. She said that her recovery has been a "forced rest".... my dad has done a great job of taking care of her as she continues to recover fully.
2) Beautiful Fall colors.... I can never get enough, and I'm always in awe every year! (I took the photo above in TN!)
3) Abner... my cat. Despite the fact that he repeatedly wakes me up in the middle of the night by licking my face with his sandpaper tongue (I can't stand this!!), he's been a wonderful addition to my life over the past two months. Here's a picture.
4) Getting to spend time with Brandon two weekends in a row (that almost never happens!). He came down to be with me for my friends Keri and Craig's wedding on Oct 7.... and I went up there the following weekend. I had the privelege of joining him for "capture the flag" with his youth, watching him play hockey for the first time, and even sharing a fun evening of "Wizard of Oz" and dessert with another family from his church. I'm thankful for the special memories from these two weekends, and the chance to share those times together.
5) My Bible study (and the three girls in it!). We're currently studying Psalms 119, using the workbook "A Lamp Unto My Feet", by Steve Gallagher..... wow is this study challenging me, and forcing me out of the lukewarm devotion I confess I sometimes have toward God's Word.
6) My birthday was Oct 16th.... I'm now 29. I went into school that morning (it fell on a Monday), and one of my 4th grade boys greeted me with, "It's your birthday Miss Davis! You're supposed to be in bed!!!" :) Anyway, I'm thankful for another year and looking forward to what God has in store for the coming year. Nate and Andrea had my parents, cousins and me over for a delicious dinner of chili, corn bread, and cake and ice cream. It was very nice to celebrate with all of them.
7) My students... as many of you know, God has really given me a heart that loves getting to know people from other countries.... I'm daily reminded what a gift my job is. How many people can say they LOVE what they get to do every day?? sure, it gets busy and sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but my students really inspire me, and I'm thankful for each of them. This year I have students from Mexico, S. Korea, China, Japan, Russia, India, Egypt, Peru, and probably more that I can't think of. My desire is to teach them to the best of my ability. Sometimes when I've slacked off on my planning or am feeling lazy, I'm pricked by the notion that God has entrusted these precious children to me for this time and I shouldn't take it lightly!!
8) Fall Break... my friend Joy and I got to go down to Gatlinburg, TN from Oct 19-22. It came at just the right time when we were both feeling tired and like we couldn't keep up with things at school (she's a teacher too)... I think God knows when we need to rest and I'm thankful He lovingly provides those times of renewal when we need it most! We got to visit the shops around Gatlinburg, do some hiking in the Smokey Mountains, rest and just enjoy ourselves among other things.
9) A washer and dryer!.... well, this may have been in September actually but I am so thankful. After years of paying to wash my clothes, I now own my own washer and dryer. I'd been saving money for this and finally went to pick them out. They aren't fancy or anything but they work well, and it is just the best thing to be able to walk across my apartment (rather then get in my car to drive to my apt clubhouse) to stick clothes in the wash!! Who knew this could seem like such a luxury??!!
10) Last but definitely not least!!.... the wedding of my friends Keri and Craig on October 7th. God was glorified and it was a beautiful day. I was thankful to be able to take part as a bridesmaid. I'm thankful for the way that Christ is evident in their relationship, and for the utter joy I saw in their eyes on that day!!
Plus one more..... Holly and Dan are coming for a visit this weekend, and they're staying with me tonight (arriving in about 2 hours!)... it will be great to see them! but on that note, I need to go clean my bathroom, wash some dishes and make sure I have bedding ready for them!!!
Just wanted to say hi!!