I've decided to start blogging again because alot has happened in our lives over the past couple years. As I don't live near my side of the family, this is a good way to share what's going on in our lives. Yesterday was the Superbowl, and though the Colts didn't win :(, Superbowl weekend will always share special memories for me, because Brandon proposed on a Superbowl weekend three years ago (not during the Superbowl, but on the ice rink where we had our first date.. very special!). We've been married for 2 and 1/2 years, and though that's not long, it sure has flown by. Since then, Aiden entered our lives on June 2nd, 2009, and changed our lives completely. He was in the NICU for almost a month as a newborn, and that time is something I have yet to write about completely. It was definitely one of the most difficult times (if not the most difficult time) in our lives, but also a time where we watched God carry the three of us so faithfully. Becoming a mommy, has personally impacted my life more than I ever could have imagined, and it's teaching me increased dependence on the Lord as I tread these new waters. Now Aiden is 8 months already, and I'm beginning to wish that time would slow down just a bit..... so I can hold him just a little longer, and enjoy each moment. He's not crawling yet, but I know it's only a matter of time.
I hope to use this blog to share a little of my everyday life as a stay-at-home-mom.... since my daily life includes a combination of married life, mommy stuff, time with God, a little cooking, cleaning, orgainizing, and church life that's what this blog will most-likely include......
Now.... off to prepare Aiden's breakfast of pears and oatmeal!
I hope to use this blog to share a little of my everyday life as a stay-at-home-mom.... since my daily life includes a combination of married life, mommy stuff, time with God, a little cooking, cleaning, orgainizing, and church life that's what this blog will most-likely include......
Now.... off to prepare Aiden's breakfast of pears and oatmeal!