I can hardly believe how big my baby is getting!My heart is so full with love for him. Big things have been happening in Aiden's life this month. He started CRAWLING about 2 weeks ago!...well, mostly he rocks on his hands and knees and goes a few steps, but if he really wants to get somewhere he goes back down onto his belly and pulls himself around. He can get around anywhere really quickly this way, which is opening up a whole new world for Brandon and me. Last week I was putting a few clothes away in Aiden's room, while he was playing just 10 feet away in the living room. Before I knew what had happened, he had chased Abner (our cat) all the way into Brandon and I's bedroom and was peeking under our bed to find Abner. He also likes to crawl over to the kitchen when I'm cooking and just hang out with me. Like I said, this is all new for us so we're figuring things out as we go. We've been frantically baby proofing things.
The other big happening in Aiden's life in the past 2 weeks is TEETHING! He's actually doing amazingly well so far through it, although there's really only 1 tooth that's come out all the way, so we'll see how the rest go. On the worst days I gave him baby Tylenol before bed, and a frozen rolled-up baby washcloth to suck/chew on for the pain during the day.
Something else going on in his little life right now is the transition from spoon-feeding (i.e. baby food) to finger foods (or what's on Brandon and I's plate for dinner). Now that he's had a taste of real food, he's not as enthralled with baby food. So we stick little bits of whatever we're having for dinner on the spoon with a bit of his pureed veggies and he takes it pretty well. Last night he was able to have some little pieces of the salmon, potatoes and cooked vegetables we were having for dinner, and loved it. I'm amazed how well he takes to even strong foods like salmon. Hopefully this will carry on into the future!
Aiden's big LIKES right now: board books (looking at the pictures and chewing on them), the CAT (and chasing him!), being held and snuggled by mommy or daddy, his sippy cup, his foam mat, his yellow toy car, making little tiger noises "rrrrrrrrr", finger foods, booting around the house, and BATHS.
His DISLIKES: having his hands and mouth wiped after dinner, big groups of people crowded around him, and pureed peas (which he used to like).
Here are some pictures of Aiden from the last couple weeks:
One the first times he pulled up to hands and knees.... "Mommy, I'm kind of scared ... how did I get myself into this position?? What do I do now??"
Since then, he enjoys the new experience of crawling...
Snuggling with mommy before bed-time...
Our lives are so blessed to have this little guy in our lives.
The other big happening in Aiden's life in the past 2 weeks is TEETHING! He's actually doing amazingly well so far through it, although there's really only 1 tooth that's come out all the way, so we'll see how the rest go. On the worst days I gave him baby Tylenol before bed, and a frozen rolled-up baby washcloth to suck/chew on for the pain during the day.
Something else going on in his little life right now is the transition from spoon-feeding (i.e. baby food) to finger foods (or what's on Brandon and I's plate for dinner). Now that he's had a taste of real food, he's not as enthralled with baby food. So we stick little bits of whatever we're having for dinner on the spoon with a bit of his pureed veggies and he takes it pretty well. Last night he was able to have some little pieces of the salmon, potatoes and cooked vegetables we were having for dinner, and loved it. I'm amazed how well he takes to even strong foods like salmon. Hopefully this will carry on into the future!
Aiden's big LIKES right now: board books (looking at the pictures and chewing on them), the CAT (and chasing him!), being held and snuggled by mommy or daddy, his sippy cup, his foam mat, his yellow toy car, making little tiger noises "rrrrrrrrr", finger foods, booting around the house, and BATHS.
His DISLIKES: having his hands and mouth wiped after dinner, big groups of people crowded around him, and pureed peas (which he used to like).
Here are some pictures of Aiden from the last couple weeks:
One the first times he pulled up to hands and knees.... "Mommy, I'm kind of scared ... how did I get myself into this position?? What do I do now??"
Since then, he enjoys the new experience of crawling...
And pulling himself up to reach for BOOKS....
He's fascinated with the pictures in his board books right now...
His favorites right now are Happy Baby ABC (it has a cushony cover that he likes) and Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton (that's the one in these pictures).
He loves being in daddy's arms, and he loves pestering Abner...
Snuggling with mommy before bed-time...
Our lives are so blessed to have this little guy in our lives.