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9-month Follow-up Appointment

Today we had Aiden's 9-month follow-up appointment with one of the doctors responsible for his care in the NICU after he was born.  (For those that don't know, Aiden got Bacterial Meningitis at birth (or very soon thereafter), and spent 3 and 1/2 weeks in the NICU and Pediatrics). There are possible residual effects from meningitis so that's why we have the follow-up appointments.  So far, Aiden has had a 2-month, a 4-month and a 9-month (today) appointment, as well as a neuro-sensory hearing screening at around 4 mos. They have all gone well!

Today, Aiden was first checked by the occupational therapist in the neonatal neurodevelopment clinic, and then by Dr. Adie, one of his neonatalogists in the NICU.  They asked us lots of questions about his eating habits, sitting, crawling, hearing, and other developmental skills, and watched him in action.  They both said he is developing very well, and right on target!  We are so thankful to the Lord for this!

He was also weighed and his height and head circumference were measured. Our one concern was his weight and height.  He weighs 18 lbs, 7 oz and is 28 inches.  This is in the 10th percentile for babies at 9 months.  In the past he has been in the 25th percentile for these things, so our initial reaction was to be concerned.  But Dr. Adie said that we shouldn't be too worried, as this is often very normal for babies to grow in different spurts, and each baby grows at a different pace.  He said they'd just continue to watch his weight and height in future appointments.  Neither Brandon nor I were big babies, so maybe he's taking after us.  The way I look it, some babies are needed to fill that bottom 10th percentile of weight and height, so why not Aiden?  In the meantime, Dr. Adie made some suggestions for getting him to eat more solids, including giving him more FRUITS (I think Aiden will love that... he loves his fruits!!).

On a day to day basis, he's just our growing, happy, healthy boy, and for that we are so thankful!


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