We took a spontaneous mini family vacation down to Sandusky, OH (only 2 1/2 hours away!) to an indoor waterpark for two days.

Aiden loved the water. I was very proud of him.
(A bonus was that I found these swim trunks on clearance at Zellers for $2.50 and the swim shirt for $3.00....yeah for good deals)
All that playing made him sleepy though.. (he definitely slept well when we got home!)
My other "boy" loved the water too.
The main lobby of the hotel. Complete with talking animals (that moose on the wall started moving and making sounds when we were sitting below it).
Part of our room - the living room area
Soaking up some sun on the balcony.
Breakfast at the hotel.
Aiden was eager to eat what we were eating.
Wait a minute.... : )
I love seeing how Brandon loves on his boy. Don't they seem to have the same expression here? I love it.
It was a nice, quick getaway, and we were thankful for it!
Happy Travels!
Theo and Amber
Erin (dooley)